I am a dreamer
A time traveler
Following no straight line
Forward Backward Sideways
A hound following an obscure scent
Always looking
Never stopping long
Sometimes I can find her
Dark and sad,
30 but old
On the floor of her closet
Seeking silence alone
Always alone
I tell her
You were always golden
And loved
Especially by me
Even when you couldn’t remember
Where it was you were to go
Other times I visit
The forgotten invisible one
The teenaged manifestor
Who dreamed this life into fruition
As she sits alone in the dark house
I turn on the lights
I tell her
I came back for you as promised
On those dark and treacherous long nights
I’m back for you
To remind you to keep dreaming
I will keep you safe
Sometimes the little one beckons me
Stomping in her shiny black buckle shoes
Laughing Skipping Silly Smart
..Except for checkup days
Where she learned how to float to the ceiling
The place where she knew she bore no onus
I pull her down and give her a piggy back ride
She giggles at our grey hair
I tell her I came back to let her know
We made it out , And we’re ok
She twirls a lock of our hair
Between her fingers
Softly smiling, she says
I know
I’ve been waiting for you